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President FIABCI Africa Region Assures of A New Dawn In Real Estate Business


Florida, August 02 - (Viewpoint Housing News) – The newly elected president of International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI), Africa and Near East Region, Adeniji Adele has assured that both the housing sector and its players of a new dawn.

Adele, former president of FIABCI Nigeria, was elected president for the Africa and Near East Region at the recently concluded 73rd FIABCI World Real Estate Congress, hosted by Miami Realtors in Miami, Florida.

Adeniji Adele
Adeniji Adele.

He was elected into the prestigious position in recognition of his expertise and significant contributions in the real estate industry, serving as a testament to his impact on the real estate sector, not only within Nigeria and Africa, but also on a global scale.

In his new position, Adele assumes the responsibility of representing Africa and Near East members at the FIABCI Global council, as well as spearheading transformative changes and fostering growth within the region. FIABCI -Africa oversees the entire regions in Africa up to Saudi Arabia, including Sub-Saharan region, as well as North and East Africa.

Adele said FIABCI will foster a better relationship and collaborate with professionals, as well as embrace cultural diversity, erase borders of international real estate and provide the world with a team of experts ready to meet their property needs.

Reund the globe and connect with the people to create one global marketplace where there is huge success for all organisations and members.

“Our strategy includes increasing current membership and maintaining a mutual relationship with all regions, where there’s free dissemination of information and comparative analysis of data”, he said.

Adele has announced the appointment of Vice President, Africa and Near East Region, Abdullahi Al Harbi; Principal Partner, Olawole Jordan and Vice President FIABCI Nigeria, Akin Opatola, Chief Executive Officer, Oreime Communications and Vice President Young Professionals FIABCI International, Rei Obaigbo, as members of his board.

“The team will be working together to engage FIABCI members across Africa and Near East Region”, he said.


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