Home Feature 7.6 Magnitude eathquake hits New Caledonia

7.6 Magnitude eathquake hits New Caledonia


A powerful magnitude-7.6 quake has struck off the east coast of New Caledonia, prompting a tsunami warning in the Pacific region.

The undersea quake was only 10km deep, according to the Paciffic Tsunami Warning Center, and struck about 155km from the Loyalty Islands, off New Caledonia’s east coast.

“Hazardous tsunami waves from this earthquake are possible within 1000 km (600 miles) of the epicentre along the coasts of Vanuatu and New Caledonia,” the PTWC said in a statement.

New Zealand officials said there was no tsumani threat to New Zealand.

The Ministry of Civil Defence and  Emergency Management said in a statement that the earthquake “is unlikely to have caused a tsunami that will pose a threat to New Zealand”.NAN


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